IOPT Workshops

IOPT Workshops


In an IoPT workshop, participants come together in a group setting to explore their identity or trauma using the powerful Intention Method. 

This method involves the process of setting an intention to delve into a specific issue or question related to one's life or trauma. The intention is expressed in a sentence, for instance: "I want to be healthy."

During the workshop, the intention is thoroughly explored, and other participants have the opportunity to volunteer as resonators who connect with different aspects of the client's psyche. The resonators form a circle with the client, representing various facets of their experience. In this safe and supportive space, resonators openly share their bodily sensations, emotions, thoughts, and impulses without any interpretation or judgment.

Throughout the process, the client/explorer actively observes and listens to the resonators, aiming to connect with their own feelings and sensations. The facilitator expertly guides the exploration and assists the client in identifying and integrating their fragmented parts.

The profound benefits of an IoPT workshop are numerous. Participants can access their subconscious mind and the wisdom of their body, leading to healing from trauma. The workshop helps clients reconnect with their healthy self while integrating their traumatised self and survival self. As a result, individuals can experience a revitalized sense of identity and enhanced well-being after trauma.

IoPT workshops can be conducted both online and in person, depending on the facilitator and the preferences of the participants. The duration of an IoPT workshop may vary, ranging from one to two days, depending on the format and the number of participants. The workshop can cover diverse topics or themes tailored to the interests and needs of the participants, creating a transformative and enriching experience for all involved. Please contact me if you are interested in participating in the workshop.

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